
Arbitrary use of medicine is dangerous and forbiddeen
International Affairs Office

Arbitrary use of medicine is dangerous and forbiddeen

The deputy director of food and medicine of Arak University of Medical Sciences likened the medicine to a sharp double-edged sword and said: "Taking medicine can both heal and cause injury and deep wound healing."

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Six important principles in controlling diabetes

The head of department of Health education and promotion of Health deputy of Arak University of Medical Sciences said "In the control of non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, 6 principles of education, weight control, nutrition, exercise and physical activity, drug use, self-monitoring and self-care play an important role".

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Be aware of fake news and corona scams
International Affairs Office

Be aware of fake news and corona scams

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences warned about the spread of fake news in social medias and various scams with variety titles during the corona outbreak.

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