International Affairs Management

Islamic Republic of Iran Won the 2021 United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce Award (UNIATF)

28 December 2021 | 10:53 Code : 22895 news
The Ministry of Health and Medical Education, I.R. Iran was selected to receive the 2021 United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce (UNIATF) for demonstrating excellence in delivering mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Islamic Republic of Iran Won the 2021 United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce Award (UNIATF)

This UNIATF Award for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) was awarded to the Government of the Islamic Republic of  Irand for the  exemplary leadership and the determination  for its excellent delivery of mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

With these efforts to alleviate mental health suffering during the pandemic, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran demonstrated its commitment to population health. Its interventions contributed to reducing the relatively high prevalence of NCDs in Iran.

As evidence shows, people living with pre-existing health conditions such as NCDs, are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with  COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smokers have up to a 50% increased risk of developing severe diseases or dying from COVID-19 which Iran demonstrated its commitment to population health.

Building on this achievement, the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC requested that the  Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to undertake strong measures to reduce tobacco use by  rigorously enforcing a total ban of all forms of smoking in public places and to give serious consideration  to the introduction of plain packaging of tobacco products. Plain packaging of tobacco products is an  evidence-based measure that reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, restricts use of tobacco  packaging as a form of tobacco advertising and promotion, limits misleading packaging and labelling, and  increases the effectiveness of health warnings.  

tags: UNIATF Award Noncommunicable Diseases COVID-19

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